Thursday, March 30, 2006

The end of March, not achieved much

Well we haven't vanished off the face of the earth, we are just in hiding in a remote township west of Sydney.
generally our weeks have been made up of going into my university and david will read while i study, and occasionally he'll look for jobs, trying to find the cheapest kinds of foods, hanging around our flat reading and studying, and two days a week i have to go 10-5 to lectures.

This week we had a powercut!!! Right after I came home from doing my first presentation on the history of art therapy. We thought it wasn't that big a deal, just had sandwiches and went to bed early but we don't have many electrical products, still no fridge, the street lights, shops and train station all lost power. lots of people were looking confused outside the chippy, no power = no chips.

My presentation was very successful, lucky really as we put a lot of effort into it. i was out of the house at 7.30 and the presentation wasn't till and was only meant to last 30 minutes. The weather is getting colder, yet the airconditioning stays on.

Lots of love to you all

Thursday, March 02, 2006

We have now seen kangaroos. on my campus no less!!! ther were four grey ones and smaller than i expected.
I started my actual lessons on monday and tuesday 10-5, i have made some friends on the course. there are only two of us doing the masters full time starting this year but a llot of people doing the masters part time or the grad dip full or part time, so there are quite a few people on the course. it is taught in an old farm cottage (the campus used to be a farm and this is the homestead) and it has a lovely veranda that looks out over the countryside. as you can guess we are in a rural area.
The course tutors are very friendly and we even have a little kitchen (which has better facilities than ours at the moment)
I have also seen parrots, cockatoos, budgies, lizards and big ants. Luckily i haven't been too plagued by mosquitos yet, but the cockroaches are big here.
I have lots of reading and assignments to do in the next 12 weeks, but luckily no exams!!!the weather isn't very hot at the minute, we even had thunder and lightening, but the ozzies were glad of the rain.
We have been taking advantage of the uni free stuff this week, getting free lunch (bbq) yesterday and today, and i got a free candy floss.