Friday, May 26, 2006

See we are in Australia, although Lyd needs to rethink her pose. OPEN YOUR EYES GIRL!

Lydia on hong kong harbour, feeling jetlagged

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Birthday Man

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. Happy birthday Roger John Bamkin hope you like your presents, although they may arrive late because of a hiccup with my credit card and amazon.

Hope you get a nice cake and all the kids were nice to you, including tessa and marianne.

love you loads and miss you and thinking about you..............lyd xxxxxxxxx

opera's house

Yesterday I was meant to audition to be a hair model for a hair expo, it was in sydney so i arranged to meet my friend before to have a chat and then i was going to meet david from work. well then my friend got told about a free showing of films at the opera house starting at 3.30, my hair thing was at 5. But it was already 3pm and we had to meet david, and then decided we couldn't make it to the opera house in time, so we went and bought posh icecream in chinatown. i had choc mint, david had choc nut, g had pistachio (she is italian-australian).
Then her pal called again saying there were more screenings so instead of going to be a hair model we walked down the backstreets of sydney to the operahouse at circular quay. There was a huge queue so we debated about whether to join it or not, then they said there would be another screening at 6.30 if we missed the 5pm one, which we did. so we queued for 1 1/2 hours to watch a free film. eventually we got in, tired and hungry and watched two shorts sponsored by some indigenous funding, about la perouse rugby team and an actor from water rats whose brother had cerebal palsy and a learning difficulty. Then there was a new film being screened, we tried to stay inside the theatre but they wanted us out, because tons more people were queuing for this showing. So we went and checked out the queue and thought it was too long, then a woman sidled up to us and asked if we wee going in, we said the queue was too big, and she said that they were going to give free tickets to another play in the opera house to those who didn't get in. So obviously we joined the queue. I wanted to get the free tickets to the other thing but unfortunately we got in to see this film. It has apparently won lots of awards already and is about a philipino boy and his family. We also got to see the directors of the films and the people from the documentaries and ask questions. We hadn't set out to queue for half a day or to see three free films but it was worth it. Then we had a long bus ride home.