Wednesday, November 29, 2006

this week so far

Well life is ambling along.
Sunday we did some shopping, got a free shower head, which we were about to fork out 23 dollars for, but then saw the water people giving out energy saving bags. Even though we didn't have any ID for our address the fellow was kind and gave us a shower head anyway.
David went swimming in enmore pool whilst i read my book in the park. Its a pretty good book then spans across four or five generations of original australians and the early settlers.
On monday i didn't get any shifts for work so i did our boring paperwork banking etc and then came home and did some painting for a few hours, then i watched a dvd called Twist, loosely based on oliver but updated and set in Toronto. was a bit full on for me.
yesterday i got a shift at a place i used to work at, but nobody, well except for one person, remembered me. Thanks Kevin!! Even though i managed to remember all their names and all the clients names. Even stranger they were expecting someone else also called lydia. I heard the asst manager say to the guy i was working alongside, 'forget what i told you about Lydia, tis is a different one'. So I was even more intrigued and asked him what she had said about this 'other Lydia', turns out that she was really lazy and just sat around not doing any work at all.
Now I don't know if that was actually me, but they think I'm a different person cause of my new funky hair, or whether there is someone sullying my good reputation. I am pretty sure it wasn't actually me because I don't sit around doing nothing, I am pretty involved with the clients at least, and at the time they kept asking the agency for me to work there. So now I need to ask my work to make sure the day centers know they are getting hardworking Lydia, not lazy Lydia. This may explain why I have not been offered many shifts recently.
David is working evenings this week because there isn't enough work at taverner at the moment, so I have been left to my own devices, generally painting and reading, trying not to go out and spend money, as it seems I'm just as good at David at frittering it away.
I have been trying to upload some pics onto the blog but our net connection isn't coping well, so it hasn't been poss as yet. But I am working on a Christmas special that I hope to send all the loved ones so everyone can see what we look like after nine months in Oz.
Today I worked at another place that actually remembers me, and left with an invite to an xmas party!! Took the clients to a sensory room at another day centre, which cost 15 bucks each. seemed a rip off really, but they enjoyed the outing anyway.
Also got talking to a member of staff that seems to think she is doing art therapy, even though she doesn't even have her degree yet. Not really sure how to approach these people, do I just say, 'YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO THIS!!!' or 'WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS NOT ART THERAPY ITS JUST ART YOU SILLY SILLY WOMAN' or something along these lines, obviously I don't I just sit there asking questions and listening politely to them telling me their vast amounts of knowledge, blah blah blah. It makes me understand why there is a push to call it art psychotherapy, because we can never stop people saying that they are doing art therapy, especially when of course art is therapeutic, but it needs to be with a trained therapist for it to be therapy, so if we change our name then they can have art therapy, and we can have art psychotherapy.
Anyway I am back at home in the attic now, planning my relaxing evening, waiting for a call for a shift tomorrow.
Ooh yes, and I had my first Christmas stuff arrive in the post yesterday, but I have promised father Christmas and my mum and my sister not to open it until the 25th december. Need to go and make cards to send to you all. Please give me your address if you want a card, I should have them all somewhere but just incase I have lost it send it to me.

Friday, November 24, 2006

long time no blogging

well its been a while since I actually posted anything here. so I will start from today hopefully, being a little more dedicated to reporting events while we are in Oz.

To keep things up to date, David is still working in market research, but he has been promoted to team leader, and I have finished my first year of Art Therapy masters, and so I am working as a support worker for an agency.

Here are some pictures of me with short hair (chopped off a couple of months ago when i was a hair model) and some pictures of our area Enmore and some other random things.
